A disorder found in children of normal intelligence who have difficulties in learning specific skills.
Examples for "learning disability"
Examples for "learning disability"
1Others will work to support community, mental health and learning disability services.
2BBC News met Julian Mason, whose son Ben has a learning disability.
3Thirty-four children had learning disability with a developmental age of below 6 years.
4Many reports over the weeks have mentioned that Boyle has a learning disability.
5But when your child or has a learning disability, the problem becomes tenfold.
1Shy, socially indifferent, suffering from a serious learning disorder, pathologically immature, she was a stereotypical picture of a rejected child.
2The psychologist in Santa Fe diagnosed Robyn as having ADD and a non-specific learning disorder and put her on thirty milligrams of Ritalin.
3A secondary school has brought a High Court challenge against a decision requiring it to enrol a student who has autism and a learning disorder.
4She attends a special needs school for children with moderate general learning disorders.
5Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) affect specific abilities in individuals with an otherwise normal academic development.
6Studies suggest that fatty acid supplementation improves reading skills, behaviour and movement skills in children with specific learning disorders.
7Kapiti College teacher Sarah Sharpe from Kapiti College told the inquiry too many schools were failing to recognise children's learning disorders.
Translations for learning disorder